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Danielle Ebaugh (@danielleroams) and Wilson Moore (@sirwilsonmoore) met last year while working as tour guides for G Adventures. In this episode we talk about what it’s like dating another tour guide and living on the road. We talk about the stresses of being on the road and maintaining a relationship.
After the tourism season ended, they hit the road together and traveled through Europe and Asia, visiting 17 countries in the process. We talk about how to survive as a couple while traveling long term. And how to deal with each other when bad things happen. Like getting sick in Thailand. Or celebrating Christmas in Austria.
Their number one tip for couples traveling together: bring snacks to avoid the pitfalls of being hangry.
If you enjoyed this episode, check out the episode I did with Bruce Poon Tip, the founder of G Adventures. Or with Bogdana Voicu who runs North American operations for G Adventures. Or with Shelby Schmitz who worked as a guide and bus driver for 5 years around the United States. Hope you enjoy them!